Saturday, March 3, 2018

To My Son

3 month picture, courtesy of Aunt Marla
Dear baby boy,
I feel like I owe you a letter or two since your big sister has a whole collection from pregnancy and every month of her first year. I could compose a list of reasons why your baby book will be bereft of epistles, but the main one is that I’ve been wrapped up in loving you. My time doesn’t stretch as far these days, between your sister, Daddy, and you. But my love for you defies language. 
You are charming, my son, and joyful. Your smile and laughter light up our days. And I adore cuddling with you. I treasure our time in the glider when you sleepily pat my arm or hold my hand while nursing. And I’ve been soaking you up for eight months now and trying to store up not just memories but the overwhelming emotions behind them. I am savoring your babyhood and storing up treasures in my heart.
For the most part, you’re an easy baby. I wish we could figure out sleeping through the night, but you’re making strides in that direction (at least for this week). You go with the flow and exhibit incredible patience for one so small. We demand more patience of you than we ever did of your big sister at this point, and I guess that’s a classic second child situation. 
Our dynamic is different because you share my attention and arms with your big sister. But you also have an extra person to dote on you. And she does. Big sister loves you fiercely and intensely. And sometimes with excessive force. We try to shield you from her over-abundant squeezes and loud attempts to make you laugh. But most of the time, you seem thrilled to be the focus of her big love.
You like to eat, and you are the most demanding when you think we are denying you a full meal. Right now, most meals consist of three courses because I consistently underestimate how much you can consume. You’re getting good at picking up little foods with your fingers and aiming for your mouth, and you’d prefer if we let you control your spoon. 
You’ve recently started lighting up when Daddy enters a room. It’s precious. And nothing short of being held by him satiates your need for his acknowledgment. We think you call him “Buh” and we’ve heard you say something like sister’s name several times. You only make the “Muh” sound when frustrated or hungry. To be fair, I’m usually easily accessible, so you don’t need to call me when you’re happy.
What else can I tell you to capture just how wonderful you are right now? You love the toy golf clubs and seem to be drawn to the most dangerous (electrical cords) or dirty (trash cans) thing in the room. Your army crawl-roll combination gets you everywhere you need to go, and you started sitting up from your back yesterday! 
You are strong, my little man, and you are sensitive to the moods of people around you. I pray that you will continue to be both of those. The more I see glimpses of your personality, the more I love you.
We will face challenges as you grow, and I will be learning how to parent you specifically and help you thrive. I pray that you will give me grace and that you will grow in wisdom, and stature, and favor with God and man.
You are our very favorite little boy, and I will keep trying to absorb the beautiful moments with you. And maybe once in a while I will try to capture in words how wonderful you are. 

All my love,



  1. Your descriptions of your love and feelings are so vivid and make me relive some of the memories I have of my children and grandchildren. I wish I could express myself as well as you.

    1. Thank you! I have lots of words tumbling around in my head and hope some of them evoke real feelings and capture true moments.
