Friday, January 3, 2014

First Letter to First Kid

Happy New Year! In honor of the first week of the year when we meet our first child, I'd like to share the first letter I wrote to the baby when we found out we were expecting. One of the reasons I like having a blog is having a way to share the exciting milestones of my life (and record my in-the-moment thoughts for my future forgetful self.) I'm forgetful now, so I know as my memories continue to exponentially increase, I will begin to forget more and more of them.

It seems amazing to me how quickly the first (almost) half of this pregnancy has gone, and I'm trying to treasure the time spent growing this baby and preparing for him or her to irrevocably change my life. Without further ado, my early pregnancy ramblings to the tiny life inside me.

September 28, 2013

Dear child of mine,

We found out you were growing inside of me today. I think I did a double take at the pregnancy test because I have peed on quite a few of those sticks, and they’ve always been negative before. You are so wanted and loved already. I’m not sure that there are words adequate to describe how joyful I am right now that you’re going to be part of our family.

I’m not sure if it’s fully sunk in that I’m really pregnant-that God is knitting together a baby inside me-yet. You’re an actively pursued dream come true, and we are so excited!

I’m so excited to meet you, but please for now just settle in and make yourself safe and comfortable inside me for the next several months. We’re hoping to meet you sometime around our fourth wedding anniversary. How cool is that? You have been prayed over and loved and daydreamed about since I fell in love with your daddy, and I have wanted to be a mom since I was a little girl. Honestly, my picture of who you are has changed through the years, but the love and the prayers have just kept multiplying.

I don’t know much about you yet since I only found out that you exist this morning, but I have a few very important things that I want you to know. I will always love you. I’m not perfect, but I’m saved by the grace of Jesus, and your daddy and I are going to figure this parenthood thing out while relying on His mercy. You have a heavenly and an earthly father who both love you more than you can imagine.

Nestle in, baby. All my love,

Your momma

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