Dear child of mine,
You're six weeks old now, and I think we're starting to figure each other out. You have the most beautiful smile, and its recipients are instantly charmed. Some of your best grins happen in the evening and/or when you're on your changing table. We try to FaceTime with people when you're in one of your happy awake phases, but sometimes I just selfishly soak it in. Don't tell your Aunt KitKat.
Your grandparents and aunts are crazy about you, and your cousin Kate thinks you're pretty cute. Not to mention all the enthusiastic fans you have in your extended family and momma and daddy's friends.
You like to talk to us when you're in the right mood, and you make lots of expressive faces like your momma. But mostly you like to eat and sleep.
You can be absolutely delightful when awake for about one hour stretches before you need to be lulled back to sleep. If you stay awake for too long, you get pretty frustrated, but overall you are a brilliant baby.
You sleep in your crib for most of the night now, and you can consistently go for 3-4 hours without eating. Momma is still struggling with the broken up sleep schedule, but I know this is just a season, and taking care of you is my top priority.
Daddy and I love you so much, and we are so excited to keep learning all the wonderful quirks that make you our precious girl.
All my love,